Universal Physical Therapy, P.C. specializes in manual therapy technique.
The following is a partial list of conditions and injuries that we treat:
- Low Back Pain, Sciatica, and Radiculopathy
- Neck Pain, Whiplash, Sprain and Strain
- Shoulder Pain, S/P Rotator Tear Repair, Frozen Shoulder
- Knee Pain and S/P Arthroscopy surgery
- Hip Strain/Sprain, Bursitis, Sacroilitis
- Foot and Ankle Pain
- Gait and Balance Training
- Muscheloskeletal Disorder
- Movement Impartment
- Sports Injuries
- Injuries Arising from Auto Accidents
- Worker injuries
- Function Capacity Evaluations
- Special Techniques and Manual Skills
- Spinal Manipulation (including muscle energy technique and segmental mobilization of the spine)
- Myofascial Release
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Neurology
- Wound Therapy
- Hand Therapy
- Geriatric Conditions
- Pediatric Conditions
- Movement Impartment