Four Simple Exercises to Maintain Lower Back Mobility
Disclaimer: Before you try these or any other exercises, consult with your physical therapist or physician first.
Seated Trunk Flexion
Sit in chair with feet shoulder width apart
Lean forward, relaxing arms and head down toward floor
Sets: 1
Reps: 3
Sessions: Mon, Wed, Fri
Resistance: As Tolerated
Hold Time: 20-30 seconds
Prone Press Up
Lie on stomach
Place both hands flat on surface a little wider than your shoulders
Press up lifting upper body only off surface
Return to starting position
Sets: 1
Reps: 5
Sessions: Mon, Wed, Fri
Resistance: As Tolerated
Hold Time: 5 seconds
Standing Side Bend
Place foot of inside leg behind opposite ankle
Shift weight and hips toward wall until you feel a stretch
Hold and repeat as instructed
Sets: 1
Reps: 5
Sessions: Mon, Wed, Fri
Resistance: As Tolerated
Hold Time: 5 seconds
Side Lying Trunk Rotation
Lie on side with head supported on a pillow, arms extended out in front with one hand resting on top of other hand
Bend hips and knees to 90 degrees
Extend top arm up toward ceiling then to floor behind you
Follow your hand with your eyes
Repeat as instructed
Sets: 1
Reps: 3
Sessions: 1 Mon, Wed, Fri
Resistance: As Tolerated
Hold Time: 30s
Eight Tips on Building Resilience
Nurturing your body, brain, and social connections can help you bounce back from stress.
Develop healthy physical habits.
Healthy eating, physical activity, and regular sleep can improve your physical and mental health.
Take time for yourself.
Make taking care of yourself part of your daily routine. Take time to notice the good moments or do something that you enjoy, like reading a book or listening to music.
Look at problems from different angles.
Think of challenging situations as growth opportunities.
Try to see the positive side of things.
Learn from your mistakes and don’t dwell on them.
Practice gratitude.
Take time to note things to be thankful for each day.
Explore your beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life.
Think about how to guide your life by the principles that are important to you.
Tap into your social connections and community.
Surround yourself with positive, healthy people. Ask friends, family, or trusted members of your community for information or assistance when you need it. Look for cultural practices that you feel help in times of stress.
Get help for mental health and substance use disorders.
Talk with a healthcare professional if you’re having trouble coping.
The information in this video is intended for informational and educational purposes only and in no way should be taken to be the provision or practice of physical therapy, medical, or professional healthcare advice or services. The information should not be considered complete or exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes without first consulting with your physical therapist, occupational therapist, physician or other healthcare provider. The owners of this website accept no responsibility for the misuse of information contained within this website.
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